
Most of our muffins....

Meet the bunch! These are our muffins...#1, #3, #4, #5, #6. And yes, according to #6 they ARE our muffins. I called them another cutesy nickname the other day and his response was "I thought we were yer MUFFINTHS!" So that settles it.
Note: #2 was not on location for this photo shoot ;0)

4 more bull:

Happy Mommy said...

You have a beautiful family! How many children do you have is it 6! Wow! And tell tell how many girls and how many boys. Fill us all in.

bunchofbull-ers! said...

Thank you! We have 5 girls and 1 boy! 17, 15, 13, 10, 5, & 3. My husband has 3 daughters from his previous marriage. They dont live with us, but visit on school breaks! We are a blessed "blended" family. After having 5 girls we were we were okay with not having anymore. But deep inside the Lord was telling me just to wait & see!! It was really surprising when #5 had just turned 2 I got pregnant with our son! The surprise was that I got pregnant 6 days after starting my cycle. (not meaning to be too personal, but it was really quite amazing) I kept asking my mid-wife if it could've been from the month before & she kept saying NO!! So we found out that we were having a boy & he was due on December 25th! What a gift, huh?! Only something the Lord could give!! Love it!
I can not imagine life without him! My husband did get "broken". (I dont know wht they call it fixed!) But anyway, we both prayed & prayed. And personally felt at peace about our decision. God is bigger than any surgery, so if it's His will than we will have more. But dont get me wrong, there are times that I LONG to have another baby. And wished we hadn't done it!
I will be praying for your family.
And that the surgery was a success. All in His perfect timing. I do understand your frustration this month. We tried for over 2 years to get pregant with #5! I remember that feeling every month. Especially after getting pregant so easily the first time. Again just proves He is in control!

Blessings to the Happy Family.

Happy Mommy said...

Thank you for your prayers and understanding! If I become pregnant this month, Lord willing my due date will be on Dec 23! We want God to control this and I feel in a much better place this month either way, knowing and having faith that I will have more children in his time! I am really interested in using a mid wife at the hospital this time. How was that? Do you use the mid wife at home?

bunchofbull-ers! said...

I did not use a my mid-wife at home, though I might as well have....we left the house at 7:00 am and he was born at 7:38 am (with a 25 minute drive to the hospital!) It was SO funny when I got there and waddled into OB Triage, the nurses ALWAYS assume it is false labor, so when I told them that my contractions had stayed at 6 minutes apart for the last 6 hours and was going to puke again any minute...they all scattered like ants to get me into a room, especially when I was checked and he was crowning!! I had NO idea that I was so far along in labor. With my first two I was induced with epiderals. I am very glad that I experienced natural child birth ;0)